Hair is as much a part of our physical identity as our clothing, height, weight and eye color. So, it can feel like a loss of self for men – and women – who discover bald patches or thinning spots. Adding to this distress are hair loss myths that have come to be regarded as facts. We’ve rounded up 6 of these myths to help you understand which ones sound perfectly believable, but aren’t true.
What Causes Hair Loss?
Hair loss (alopecia) can be caused by hormonal changes, heredity, aging or medical conditions. These conditions include scalp plaque psoriasis, trichotillomania (hair pulling to relieve stress), ovarian cysts, alopecia areata (your body’s immune system attacks its own hair follicles) STIs (sexually transmitted infections) or thyroid disorders. Baldness typically affects more men than women.
Myths About Hair Loss
Myth #1: Wearing Hats Causes Hair Loss
Many people believe that wearing hats will interrupt the blood circulation and suffocate oxygen supply to their hair follicles. For either of these things to occur, you would have to wear your hat so tight and for so long that you would faint. Wearing a hat can actually shield your hair from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and environmental pollutants.
Myth #2: Frequent Shampooing Causes Hair Loss
It’s actually completely normal to shed hair in the shower. Hair goes through a growth cycle of four phases: the growth phase, transitional phase, resting phase and shedding phase.
During the shedding phase, which lasts several weeks, your hair falls and clears the way for new growth. When you shampoo, this may look like you’re losing hair, but it’s really just new hair replacing the old.
Myth #3: Baldness Always Comes From Your Mother’s Side
Hereditary hair loss can come from either your mother’s or your father’s genes. However, even if neither parent shows signs of balding, they may still carry the gene. Similarly, if both parents suffer from hair loss, it doesn’t mean you will too.
Myth #4: If You Brush Your Hair When It’s Wet, More Will Fall Out
It’s untrue that more hair will fall out if you brush it when it’s wet. Hair is more elastic when it’s wet and is prone to splitting. When it splits, it may look as if it’s actually falling out.
Myth #5: Hair Loss Means You Have Too Much Testosterone
The quality and quantity of hair on your scalp is unrelated to levels of testosterone in your bloodstream. However, what does affect male hair loss is the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which heightens follicle sensitivity.
Myth #6: Shaving Your Head Will Make Hair Grow Back Thicker
This sounds like such a simple solution to curbing hair loss, but unfortunately it’s not true. Shaving only eliminates damaged hair, so new growth appears healthier. Hair growth comes from inside the scalp and can be strongly influenced by hormones and heredity, things that merely shaving can’t affect.
Treating Hair Loss
You don’t need to resign yourself to living with hair loss. Rivela Hair Restoration offers effective treatments that can restore your hair, improve your appearance and boost your confidence. Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Rivela Hair Restoration provides the Keravive HydraFacial scalp treatment, a procedure that utilizes a proprietary serum to target scalp and follicle health. We also offer PRP for Hair Restoration in Houston, which utilizes platelet-rich plasma from your own blood. You may also be interested in NeoGraft hair restoration, which uses a special technology for removing hair follicles from the back of the head and implanting them in balding spots.
Schedule a Consultation
Worried about hair loss? Then contact Rivela Hair Restoration today. We’re looking forward to providing you with optimal hair and scalp health.
Lucian Rivela
Dr. Lucian Rivela M.D., F.A.C.S. is board certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery having completed residencies in both Plastic Surgery and General Surgery. Since 1998, Dr. Rivela and his dedicated staff have been offering comprehensive care in both cosmetic surgery and skincare, and he is proud to offer innovative techniques in men’s and women’s hair restoration and hair transplantation for treatments of hair loss, balding, and thinning hair.